When you employ temporary dental staff in your office don’t forget that you and any agency you use are both responsible for all OSHA requirements for that employee. One important requirement for clinical staff in a dental office is proper training and follow through with blood-borne pathogens and exposures. Your ...
Read MoreThe Chips are Here (EMV chip-enabled Credit Card Readers should be in your Office!)
October 1, 2015, has passed and the EMV chips are here! The Europay, Mastercard and Visa global standard is here, and offices that are not compliant are at risk of being liable for fraudulent use. The least EMV compliant entity will be held liable for Card-Present Fraud. If as a ...
Read MorePrognostic Implication of Persistent Human Papillomavirus Type 16 DNA Detection in Oral Rinses for Human Papillomavirus-Related Oropharyngeal Carcinoma
Interesting research published in the July JAMA Oncology and summarized in Augusts Hygiene Connection. The small sample research showed a strong connection between the presence of HPV16 DNA in post-treatment oral rinses samples and the reoccurrence of Human Papillomavirus-Related Oropharyngeal Carcinoma. http://www.dimensionsofdentalhygiene.com/2015/08_August/Hygiene_Connection/Study_Finds_HPV16_Correlates_To_Oral_Cancer_Recurrence.aspx
Read MoreEPA Delays Final Pretreatment Rule Setting for Mercury/Amalgam Discharge
On May 14th the EPA announced the delay of the final pretreatment rules for dental office mercury discharge until June of 2016. The purpose of the pretreatment requirements stem back to a commitment and memorandum by the EPA to address mercury pollution in our waterways back in 2008. Janet Goodwin, chief ...
Read MoreAnother Delay by CMS for Medicare Provider Opt In Opt Out
Based in part on current enrollment trends with The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), they have delayed, once again, the enforcement of the required enrollment of Opting in or Opting out of Medicare Part B by healthcare providers. The new deadline has been moved to June 1, 2016 but ...
Read MoreOpt in Opt out Medicare Deadline Moved Again
The Opt in Opt out deadline has been delayed until December 1, 2015. The ADA is still talking with CMS but be prepared to be compliant by that date. Remember it will take at least sixty (60) to ninety (90) day for this application process to be completed after ...
Read MoreRestrictive Covenants and the New Associate
Restrictive covenants in the dental employment contract are one of the most important and most contentious sections to negotiate. Once you are beyond the compensation the next important question you need to ask yourself is … “ are these restrictions reasonable and can I live with them?” In Pennsylvania the ...
Read MoreMedicare Opt In or Opt Out- Take action now!
So what is the big deal. If you don’t have a relationship with Medicare you will need to establish one or your Medicare patients will be running from your practice! Why- because if you do nothing and you give your Medicare patient a prescription they will have to pay for ...
Read MoreThe State of Your Estate Plan
It is that time of year again when everyone and their brother is trying to get you to do your year end planning. Your suppliers want you to buy new equipment, your accountant is rightfully giving you great year end advice for your income tax situation, your staff is helping you plan ...
Read MoreDental Office Ownership
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt Not for everyone but ...
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