Attorney Nora Peace is a versatile dental consultant with the unique combination of deep skills in the area of business development as well as wealth and estate planning.
About Nora Peace J.D.
Nora has over 40 years experience in the field of dentistry with both general and specialty practices. Experience includes start-up, mid-career development, and exit strategies. Nora Peace is particularly focused on compliance and regulatory requirements for the modern day dental office. Nora Peace has more than thirty years of experience providing business law and estate planning needs to the dental professional. In addition to her expertise in understanding the business of dentistry she was fortunate enough to spend time in the Wealth Management field. With this background she can help her clients keep their financial world organized and on track. Nora Peace has the unique combination of both the expertise of a trusted legal and wealth advisor and the on-the-ground experience of running numerous dental, commercial real estate, and contracting businesses.